Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pulley system Lab report Essay Example

Pulley system Lab report Essay Example Pulley system Lab report Paper Pulley system Lab report Paper The objective of this lab was to study the change in force using pulley systems. Hypothesis: I think with the weight and the different number of pulley systems being added each time the weight will be easier to lift every time we add a weight. Procedure: To do this lab you must first search different pulley system diagrams. Then you must find a way to make those pulley systems you have chosen work using four items. Pulleys, ring pole, a weight of your choice, Newton spring scale, and string. The point of using a pulley system is to try and get the weight off the surface. So you must put the strings around each wheel and pull until the weight is off the surface. Once the weight is off the surface you write down using the Newton scale what the force was. You continue this for each pulley done. Apparatus: Pulleys, Newton spring scale, Ring pole, MGM weight Materials: string and scissors Data: Conclusion: Elevators use pulleys in order to function. A cargo lift that allows items to be hoisted to higher floors is a pulley system. Wells use the pulley system to bring the bucket up and down the well out. Construction pulleys are used in order to lift and place heavy materials. Curtains at a theatre are moved using pulley systems. Blinds on windows operate using a pulley system to move the blinds up and down. Flagpoles use pulleys in order to lift the flag up or to bring it down. Pulleys can be used to place bird feeders high in trees or on poles A crane is a type of pulley that is used in construction. Sails on sailboats are raised and lowered using pulleys. Garage doors raise and lower use a pulley system. Rock climbers use pulleys to help them to climb. Escalators use pulley systems to function. The examples above, a cable system works in order to make lifting easier or to make moving items easier. Pulleys are important to being able to move and lift very heavy or large items. The pulley system uses Newtons third law of motion. Newtons Third law is a force is a push or a pull upon an object that results from its interaction with another object.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates [Demo] - CoSchedule Blog

Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates [Demo] Blog We all know better, compelling messages get more clicks, so why not share more of them, more often? In a recent survey, nearly 77% of you said you only share your content 1-3 times on social media! Get more engagement, social shares, and traffic out of your content with reusable social templates! Create the perfect social schedule with social templates. [Demo]Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates Schedule your social messages in bulk with reusable social templates, so you can share posts faster and drive more traffic to your blog. Never copy/paste again. Fill your entire social queue with social helpers, so you can focus on crafting quality messages that increase user engagement and clickthroughs. Keep your social schedule consistent by pre-planning days, weeks, and months in advance. Keep your social schedule consistent by pre-planning days, weeks, and months in advance.Create a Social Template in Your Calendar (1:55) (3:26) Create custom text and graphics for each social platform with  social helpers (5:10) How to add variety to your social template with social helpers (9:22)  Applying your first social template (11:33)  Customize and add variety to your social campaign by filling in your social helpers How Builds a Social Template for Their Own Editorial Calendar (16:54) (19:15)  How s marketing team customizes social helpers for each piece of content. Recommended Reading:  This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% in oneplace. Save 20 hrs this week alone and every weekafter. If youve ever kicked the tires on , nows the time to see what its reallylike. Schedule Your Demo Success! Your download should start shortly. Clean up the chaos with your editorial calendar! With , youll Save time with blogging, social, and email think HOURS every week Schedule your social posts in batches and increase your posting frequency super easily Get your sht together and hold yourself accountable to publishing like the boss you are! Now’s the perfect time to start your 14-day free trial to see for yourself! Start Your Free Trial